Friday, December 19, 2008

Oprah's weight, not a 'big' deal

200 pounds over a 5'10" frame of a middle-aged woman? This is not a problem. I am close to 200 over a 5'7" frame and I feel like Clarence Darrow trying to convince my peers that I'm out of shame shape. From this, I can tell you that People mag's attempts to make an issue of this are totally flawed.

I'm more concerned about Oprah's yo-yo dieting, which purportedly pumps triglycerides through the arteries as they become metabolized for nutrition.

If you've been on earth for at least 14 years you've heard enough contradictory nutritional information to be able to block it out. My solution: go to the doctor almost yearly and get tests run. Because if there's one thing that's always been a problem, it's people who have treatable problems that let them go undiagnosed.

Here's a Globe and Mail article, if you're in Oprah-withdrawal. I apparently am, writing this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I have to agree with you that yo-yo dieting is way more dangerous that simply being overweight. It's amazing how quickly we forget that.