Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Creditors Revenge - Old Testament Style

Maureen Dowd is off today, but Tom Friedman is beating the financial pony. Why? A pound for every penny. On a personal note, I remember meeting someone from upper echelon Citigroup and was impressed by the pompousity. "Citigroup has more money than a small country," she said. "Citigroup bailed out--and lost--in Argentina's currency crisis." (That this person was trying to brag was part of the sorry affair).

On another note, things were not always like this. Both my father and an old friend of his worked in Citibank Operations and, a few years ago, when I wanted a piece of the pie, my father's friend relayed to me that "you couldn't make near as much money in banking as you can now."

Mo money. Mo problems.

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