Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Maury is the People

I felt like Rip Van Winkle when people told me about Maury a few years ago. I had last checked out of the talk shows when they had more bodyguards than audience members on Jerry Springer. Kinda ruined the real-life aspect of it. Maury, though, has a heart that shines through, while Springer always seemed to be an agitator (where none was necessary).

Thanks to Literating, we have this revealing episode of Maury, which shows how in touch with people he is. One of the young prostitutes on the show laughed when asked about having sex for a cheeseburger. I don't think he got very far with her, or any of them, but I learned a lot about people today, and I have Maury to thank.

Maureen Dowd could learn a thing or two from Maury, as could most of the staff at the NYT. He's judging people, but he's understanding too. There were a couple parts where I almost cried.

This guy is with all kinds of people, he gets with everyone. I hope to attend this show and witness him in action.

1 comment:

literating said...

A few things to add:
- this young lady had sex for a DOUBLE cheeseburger with BACON ... that adds a whole new dimension to her personality
- I saw an update on her and she is actually reformed. She regrets treating her sister (and caretaker) so poorly, no longer has unprotected sex and loves her little brother instead of beating him ... all thanks to Mau-Po!