Tuesday, November 18, 2008

New Reality Show Ideas

I think we can all get into some new Reality TV:

"Get with the people idea"

HOBOS - A Reality show about hobos. When they're voted off, they have to HIT THE ROAD, JACK.

SUGAR PLANTATION - It doesn't have to take place in the U.S. I'm thinking foremen vs. cane cutters.

"Rich people"

DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES OF MEXICO CITY - Again, it doesn't have to take place in the U.S.

NASCAR WIVES - More sugar in your tea of strife?


COFFEE/CHOCOLATE COCOA BUYERS - Travel to exotic parts of the world to purchase, essentially, legalized drugs. And maybe real drugs too.

REAL LIFE VAMPIRES - Apparently, some people take the fantasy of vampires as something they can act out in real life.

If you have an idea, feel free to comment (also anonymous commenting)!


Anonymous said...

what about a reality show called "are men necessary?" hosted by your fave newspaper lady maureen dowd? she takes a group of 20-something women to a secluded farm somewhere in the middle states and tries to prove her hypothesis. i can already see CA trying to ban this show...

Wellsmus said...

I love it! "Y not"?

Anonymous said...

best tagline ever! i think we should pitch this to Lifetime.

Wellsmus said...

I am ready. Let me get an agent, I think Maureen Dowd has time to do this, with two grand columns a week. Who doesn't want a little folding money as a reality show host?

Anonymous said...

AAAAAAAAAHH! LOLx1000! "Y Not"!!

Somewhat on topic, my old roommate/landlord at an all-lez house told me she refused to watch the L Word. Why? "Because THIS is the real L Word!!!" she would say, spreading her arms wide to indicate the whole house.

Perhaps she would be interested to know that a MA public TV station broadcast two seasons of a low-low-budget lez show called "2 in 20", and let me tell you, I could believe those were real lesbians, as opposed to the L Word.

What were we talking about?

Unknown said...

What do you mean Whale Wars is already taken?!

Dude, I'd watch full episodes of Shiba Inu puppies playing and napping all day every day on TV.